Lunch and Snacks
Color their day with goodness.

Children who attend the part time or full time days need to bring their lunch. All lunch items must be labeled. Lunches should be nutritious (i.e., fruits, vegetables, milk) containing little or no sugar and a protein source like yogurt, cheese, egg or meat and bread. No facilities exist for refrigeration of lunch boxes; therefore, parents must place an ice pack in the lunch box as per Health Department regulations. NO GLASS containers/bottles, aluminum cans or candy allowed.
Growing Seeds CDC provides two snacks for the children daily which meet the Child and Adult Care Food Program requirements. The director and the staff need to be advised if your child has a food allergy or sensitivity. If an enrolled child has a food allergy or sensitivity the school nurse will meet with staff to provide training. Snack menus are posted in each classroom. We encourage families to share ethnic and cultural foods, traditions and celebrations with their child’s classroom.
During the summer months lunches will not be heated due to outside picnic style dining. You will be notified during that time with the summer schedule.